New Publication: Ski Demonstrator Validation
August 2, 2022New Open Access Publication in Sensors Journal
The end of the Smart2Go project has brought about several exciting results. The most recent publication in the Sensors Journal focuses on the smart ski demo case. In the paper titled “Validation of a Sensor-Based Dynamic Ski Deflection Measurement in the Lab and Proof-of Concept Field Investigation”, project partners from Joanneum Research and Atomic Austria collaborated with the University of Salzburg and the Red Bull Athlete Performance Center and focused on ski-deflection as a performance-relevant factor in alpine skiing and how it can be measured with the developed a PyzoFlex® sensor.
The main conclusion made is that the proof-of-concept field measurement has shown that the prototype is stable, robust, and waterproof and provides characteristic curvature progressions with plausible values. Combined with the high laboratory-based reliability and validity of the PyzoFlex® prototype, the developed technology is a great candidate for becoming part of commercial smart ski equipment in the future.
To discover more details, download the paper here or in the downloads section of our page.