Smart2Go Project Finale in Oslo

July 11, 2022

Smart2Go Partners Met at Final Meeting in Oslo

The Smart2Go project reached its final day and the partners have reunited for one last time in Oslo for the final project meeting and the Smart Energy Supply Platform Workshop on June 27 – June 29. After successful three and a half years, the partners have achieved some impressive results to showcase.

 It was a unique opportunity to meet in person at the Helly Hansen Headquarters in Oslo, to summarise what has been achieved during the course of the project. The unique location also enabled to see the physical demonstrators in action on the slope of the indoor ski arena SNØ. Moreover, it was also a tremendous opportunity to receive valuable feedback from the External Advisory Board Members and to foster partnerships for future collaboration.

All the partners were very well received at Helly Hansen and were delighted they could visit their showrooms and offices and hear more about the hosting partner’s other work and projects. All participants were thoroughly inspired by their work, both inside and outside of the project.

Having a chance to discuss in person the results, as well as the learnings proved to be extremely beneficial for the partners, looking beyond the end of the project. Connecting this interactive experience with a hybrid workshop for external audiences titled “Smart Energy Supply Platform Workshop” turned out to be a tremendous success. Twenty three participants in-person had a chance to discover the project’s use cases first hand from presentations and demonstrations that included videos and visual explanations, as well as physical materials and testing. All of the workshop content was streamed and showed to the online audience as well, providing them a chance to interact with the presenters and other participants.


Additionally, the participants also had the chance to listen to short pitch presentations from the Smart2Go Design Contest Finalists and discuss with them the questions they had on developing their applications and ideas further. And lastly, EAB members or their colleagues finalized the meeting with presentations about current trends in the industry, which sparked exiting discussions. Overall, the meeting and workshop proved to mark a successful end to the project, establishing a base for further cooperation, both among the project partners and outside.