Smart2Go at EuroNanoForum 2019 in Bucharest (12-14 June 2019)

May 21, 2019

Smart2Go project will be promoted at the EuroNanoforum event ( during a talk given by John Fahlteich (Group Leader Encapsulation and Outdoor Applications, Fraunhofer FEP) and at AMIRES booth (n. B1 at S1 Floor) with distribution of brochures and dedicated poster. EuroNanoForum 2019 is an event of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It stands as the most significant European forum that brings together scientists, industrialists and policy makers. The event is anticipating approx. 1000 participants and offers opportunities for discussions on cross-sectorial challenges focusing on both the industrial application of research results and future strategic research priorities in the area of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials of the Horizon 2020 NMBP Programme and beyond.